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Is Plan B Cubed an architect firm?

No, Plan B Cubed facilitates the design process, develops initial designs and guides the client through the process of the planning and building stages. The final design will be drawn up by a leading Hobart architect firm. We can be involved on a project management level after the completion of the design phase.


How does it work?

Plan B Cubed charges by the hour and so does the architect team we work with. No percentage, no hidden costs. All nice and easy.


Will it be cheaper than traditional architectural services?

We are not competing with architectural firms. They do an amazing job and we use their services to get things done. Plan B Cubed suits people who are keen to do things differently and are keen to invest more time and energy in their project. By doing that, the client will save money.


How long will clients need our service?

That is completely up to the client. We will work with you as long as you need us.


Will Plan B Cubed suit everyone?

No, it won’t. But it will suit a lot of people.


Plan B Cubed  |  25 Weld Street South Hobart  |  Tasmania 7004  |  0418 885 590  

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